Saturday, March 4, 2017

                                                 My Top 5 Christian Metal Guitarists

    #5   Ryan Leitru
Ryan's desire as a guitarist was to see people set free from addiction in their life, and to be loving towards people who are hurting.
   Ryan was the lead guitarist of For Today, for over a decade.If your still upset about For Today being done, check out Nothing Left, a project that Ryan is now a part of.
   Ryan is an amazing guitarist and with each album that For Today has released, he had always brought something new to the table while still keeping the band's unique sound that everyone loved.
 Look forward to that in Nothing left's new EP coming soon.

  #4   Sebastian Elizondo
Sebastian is the guitarist of the band Darkness Divided.
   If you are a Christian metalcore fan and aren't familiar with this band, you better check them out.
Sebastian, along with the rest of Darkness Divided have brought an amazing, new and unique sound to the Christian metal scene.
  Sebastian's solos are amazing and he has an amazing tone.His use of many different techniques, like finger tapping and sweeping, really give the band an awesome metal sound.

  #3   Val Allen Wood
Val and Theocracy are probably one of the best, if not the best Christian power metal bands out there, and there is a great reason for that.
  Val, along with the second guitarist of Theocracy, Jonothan Hinds have some amazing guitar duals.
Val is a very amazing and creative guitar player.In one of Theocracy's songs called,"I Am."
Val plays an Irish jig on his electric having a folk metal sound, giving the sound uniqueness.
    Just a warning, Val's solos will shred your faces off.

#2   JB Brubaker
Jb, guitarist of August Burns Red is probably the most well-known Christian Metalcore bands in the scene.JB's skill to expand on his sound with every ABR album is amazing and he has never failed to amaze us with something awesome.
   JB will put a slam it in your face breakdown, a shred it up solo and clean guitar all in the same song and it sounds amazing and very professional.

#1   Daniel Gailey
Daniel of the band Phinehas is number one on my list a lot because of his sound and tone.He and Phinehas are the future of metalcore.
  A lot of people believe metalcore has grown stale, and I don't disagree, but Phinehas has really brought it back with their latest album,"Till the End."
 Daniels tone and sound alone stand out to me, I have never heard another band sound like him.His use of scales and rythm are unmatched among metalcore bands, his solos are awesome with a lot of creative sound and riffs that you wouldn't see coming.

I hope this was helpful to you guys, be sure to check out Christian Metalhead Brotherhood on youtube.Let me know what you think of this as well.

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