Thursday, January 10, 2019

Story Behind CMB Metalcore Symphony Volume II Part 2

Part 2 Cries of The Lost:

 This song was about how there are people who are hurting and in a lot of unseen pain and as a result do things that most Christians would not like.
 It seems some Christians today are more ready to show how much they don't like people for being different, looking a different way, or acting a different way than welcoming them with open arms as Christ does.
 People are just hurting, and we seek things to distract or momentarily tale away the pain.
They could use a lot more help and a lot less judgment! I know if they are Christians they need correction but would it kill people to hold their tongue and first consider what they say and do before they do it?
 During the time I wrote this, a person I knew was doing some unexpected things and so many Christians I knew were lashing out like a Brood of Vipers towards this person and it was disgusting!
I don't care what their intentions originally were, their hearts were not in a place of Godly wisdom and correction, they were angry and driven by their frustration, not only driven but controlled by it, so much so that they confronted me for liking this persons facebook post. It hurts when people become so blind that they do things like that and assume I support sinful behavior because of that.
 All I knew in this situation was that this person was just hurting, maybe something that happened in the past, but all I knew is they needed a friendly voice to tell them it's never too late to turn away, and that whatever had happened that there is healing for the broken.
 That's like one of the main messages Christians should be teaching is that there is healing and forgiveness, or help to forgive.
 When the young woman in the Bible was caught in the act of adultery, the disgusting Pharisees drug her to Jesus asking what they should do to test Him, saying that the law of Moses commanded to stone her, but Jesus said to this Brood of Vipers, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."
 I bet that shook the Pharisees to their knees, maybe. They knew God's Word "so well" had it memorized and studied it daily but guess what. Their savior was standing right in front of them and they hated Him. I think just a quick note there is many religious leaders today are still as blind despite studying the Word so much, and when God stands before them they do not even know it.
 In Matthew 25 Jesus says, "I was hungry and you did not feed me, I was thirsty and you did not give me a drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me into your home, I was naked and you didn't give me clothing, I was sick and in prison and you didn't visit me."
 They replied, " LORD when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick in prison, and not help you?"
 He answered, " I tell you the truth when you refused to help the least of these you refused to help me."
 Jesus says even the least we are to help, no matter what they look like they are lost and Crying out for help.
 When you kicked tattoo covered adulterers out of your buildings when they were seeking refuge CRYING FOR HELP!!! YOU KICKED OUT YOUR GOD!!!
 When you kicked out the drug and alcohol addict seeking refuge and help! YOU KICKED OUT YOUR GOD!!!
 When you approached the adulteress and shoved God's word down her throat and cast your condescending words like stones, You cast you last stone COWARDS!!!

 We are all born in sin it's all we know, it's all they know before we knew God it was all we ever knew we were born in it! We go back to it like a dog to its vomit, even Christians!
 These people are CRYING OUT FOR HELP! We Christians hold the key to eternal hope and life and salvation and we keep it to ourselves and condemn the lost.
 That why I made this song and called it "Cries Of The Lost." Just to bring recognition to the fact that people are just hurting! Cut them some slack Christians! Must someone remind you who you were before you found God and He called you out of the darkness?
 My soul aches thinking about what my life would be like without the hope and peace I have in Christ, can you imagine living your life without that hope? and the things you would turn to ease that in any way?

This is a recurring theme I promise you will find in my music, because I have struggled first hand with Christians that want to preach laws and commandments but don't follow what the fulfillment of the law which is to love God and love each other, putting someone down for their appearance just because you don't like it, is not love.
 I was sent to defy man's traditions and bring light to a dying world so you can bet on seeing
and hearing about it in more of my music.

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