Friday, January 4, 2019

The difference between Christian Metal and secular Metal

A lot of true metalheads tend to ask a lot,"why is there Christian metal?
Some metalheads think Christian metal sucks, I would say mainly for the anger they have towards Christians for an encounter with a hypocrite, which is not a true Christian but someone claiming to be Christian and goes to church to feel good about themselves but puts other people down and tries to preach commandments that they don't even understand.
Then other Metalheads prefer Christian metal even though they aren't Christian because of the relatable lyrics and positive messages.
I would say the only difference between Christian Metal and secular Metal is why the artists are doing what they are doing and what their songs are about, as well as deep passion and devotion to God in the band members. That's why there is Christian metal, when Christian metal first started, it was because there were people who saw the need to make Christ glorified and give the message of hope through all genres of music, not just the boring church hymns or even worship songs today cause let's be honest! A lot of modern contemporary worship is all the same and nothing really genuine except for a few but most just have kinda hollow lyrics, like they are saying what they feel like their supposed to say instead of something passionate from the heart.
Sorry to get off on a trail there, I do that a lot.
The main goal for Christian metal is to bring the message of Christ and the hope we have to a dying world. I know metal has sort of a dark past and many people think it's all devil worship and crap like that but it's not, and it's really annoying when Metalheads intentionally make it seem that way, or make it seem like Metalheads are a bunch of a##holes and don't give a f###
about anything but drinking, metal, and sex. Most Metalheads are not like that and just enjoy great music, metal is NOT about devil worship and most Metalheads hardly even acknowledge the existence of the devil let alone worship him.
Christian metal is just another style of  metal with more Christ centered lyrics or a message or story about what the writer might be struggling with personally or as a Christian.
So to answer the question, "why is there christian metal." I would say, to tell metalheads they are all loved and have been given forgiveness and redemption, all you have to do is confess your sins to God (Not a man in some sort of robe claiming to know God) and He will forgive you and give you new life and joy through the struggles you go through in life and peace in the world's stormy seas.
It's not a luxurious life, any Christian that says that is not speaking truly cause life will hit you harder than ever when you make a decision to live for God and do His work. IT WILL HIT HARD!!!
But He says not to be troubled for He has overcome the world.
I hope you all know now that Christian metal is a ministry and it's as much a ministry as the church you might go to, and to any Metalheads reading this, hopefully you understand this is our mission as Christians, to praise our God with the music we love and share His message through it.
Thanks for reading!

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