Tuesday, September 18, 2018

There is a difference between correction in Christ like Love and condemning someone in Self Righteous Judgment!

  Hypocrisy is literally killing my faith! People that raised me to love as Christ first loved us are acting out of hatred and self righteous hypocrisy! Towards someone they are claiming they love, so this post is going to be about judgment and hypocrisy.
 Last time I checked, there is no hate in love! That's just common sense even to the rest of the world, literally the entire world and it's people in all of their sin and struggles understand this one thing, why is it that the ones who claim to serve a GOD OF LOVE AND FORGIVENESS can't comprehend it??
  It is very important to correct someone living in sin, I am not saying not to correct them. There is also a verse that says.
 "Brothers if anyone is caught in any transgression, you should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourselves, lest you too be tempted."   Galatians 6:1
  I just want to emphasize where it says ,"Restore him in a spirit of "gentleness."
People use the verses that talk about correction and rebuking a sinner to fit their will so they can justify their anger towards a sinner instead of dealing with it.
 As I recall in Matthew chapter 4 when Jesus is fasting in the wilderness, the "Devil" himself quoted scripture to suit his purposes and fit his will.
 So this is what is going on in my life and anybody who can relate I want you to know your not alone in your struggle. I am so sick of seeing my generation turn away from the church because of the hypocrisy and self righteous judgment, all I can really say is ignore them! They will spit scriptures at you and beat you with their Bibles and try to force feed scriptures down your throat. And the moment you accuse them and give them a taste of the way they were judging you they will say how wrong you are and how they do nothing but love and pray for people and how they don't judge they just love, but it is very clear that they aren't, like I said even the outside world can easily see how their lying. Because there is no hate in love and there is no judgment in the correction the Bible refers to, only love, Christ-like Love!
  In the Bible the ones that Jesus Christ was most frustrated with was the self righteous religious leaders at the temples. They knew God's Word very well but used it to suite their purposes and their traditions. When the Pharisees wanted to stone the adulteress Jesus showed her love. After the pharisees were shamed after Jesus made One statement," He who is without sin throw the first stone." They all went away one, by one, they knew they had no place to be judging her.(I will say it over and over in this post, There Is A Difference between CORRECTION AND JUDGMENT!!!)
 I got this is from John 8:1-11
    Even Jesus corrected the adulturess but He did it gently and with unconditional love. Unlike the Pharisees who wanted to STONE HER TO DEATH!!!

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