Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Deathcore Symphony Announcement

 Hey everyone, I recently had an idea inspired by my Deathcore VS. Metalcore video to release a small Deathcore style EP called Deathcore Symphony!
 My idea was to try and put this together in a day, which I was unable to do but I plan on having it finished soon!
 I wanted to do a short Ep to get any of my fans out there some more sick metal music to djam to while I take a little longer to finish some other projects!
 I just recently finished one song for this Ep called "Mass Genocide."
I am excited to finish the rest of the Ep and get it to you guys!
 here is the song Mass Genocide, you can download it for free on my Bandcamp page or set your price and donate. Donations are very appreciated and will go towards my next release!!!

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