Saturday, January 19, 2019

Story Behind CMB- Metalcore Symphony Volume II (Part 4)

Part 4: Brood Of Vipers

  The inspiration for the name of this song came from Matthew 12:34 which says," You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Before this verse, John the Baptist also said something similar in Matthew 3:7 which says," But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism he said to them"You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee the wrath to come?"
 I believe the point of them saying was to point out to these people that they were wicked and corrupt and to call them to repent. This group of religious leaders was legalistic and wicked putting heavy burdens on the people around them and praying in the streets loud for all to see, and not for God to see.
 There are still many vipers today, you may have had an experience with them, I have a couple times, they seem to know God's Word and may even be Church leaders or elders in the church but like the Pharisees, they have become lost in their own traditions and have become legalistic and wicked, condemning and putting down those that don't hold to their traditions or legalistic views on what a Christian should be.
 I have become very direct in dealing with people like this, they push so many of my generation away from the church and I am not going to sugar coat any of my words to them if they think it's right to condemn my generation because they don't hold to their petty pathetic traditions and cookie-cutter mold
of hypocrisy and fake religion!
 I have so much to say on this topic and to these people, I could write nine albums about this! :) haha

Brood of Viper truly fit them, even while I write music their voices echo constantly disrupting my work, like a poisonous bite from a viper, the poison seeps into my blood it tries to infect my mind spreadingthe devil's infection like a virus. After a few experiences, I have learned to turn this poison into fuel for THE FIRE INSIDE!!! And made this song and have many more and plenty of fuel for it!

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