Part 3: Outcast
Most of my life I always felt cast out in a way and that is where the song name came from and during the time I wrote this song I was experiencing judgment in the only place I thought I could find refuge from the devils condescending and condemning voices but experienced it here as well, yep you guessed it church. I have since basically stopped going to this church, every time I decide to visit I still feel the judgment and hear it in their voices, it is most likely my own insecurities and nothing to do with them. I carry a few scars and am still hurt by some things that were said and done to me in the past and that is most likely where my fear comes from. But this story is more about how as a Christian society hates us, this world hates us and we are Outcasts because of our faith. More so in third world countries, Christians are persecuted, imprisoned and abused even killed.
While in countries like here in the U.S we hide inside our buildings on Sundays to be told a feel-good message that doesn't challenge or convict and while we are in this building WE IGNORE THE ONES HURTING THE MOST because of their appearance, or a mistake they made, or the circumstances their in. We judge people before we know their story, and if they don't fit our mold and disrupt our system and break our mold then kick them out, if not physically, then ignore them and make them feel invisible till their driven out.
Society casts out anything that is against what they think is okay. Some churches are bad like I said if you break their mold and disrupt their system but the one thing worse than that is when you break the mold society has put on all the rest of your entire generation. They will freak out, and it's honestly one of the best feelings ever when you break societies mold and they kick you out. I am myself, I do what I love doing, life is hard but I can take it, one of the perks that come with being an outcast is you learn to do things yourself and turn all the criticism and judgment thrown at you into fuel for the FIRE BURNING INSIDE!! When I say kicked out I mean they ignore you but silently do everything they can to shut you up, to stop you, and to silence you. But you can't stop a man that never quits!
Society tells us we are nothing more than a product of chance but they try to kick out my God and force their agenda on everyone else around them. It's not going to happen with me so they can cast me out, I'd rather not be a part of their system! Better to face the world alone than be a part of their agenda! Their cure is worse than the disease itself and they feed the disease and they will reap what they sow. I will not be a part of it so I will be the Outcast and I hope all of you will make a stand with me!
This world and its ways will break you, take you, make you the farthest thing from what you were created to be and corrupt your mind, make you think you don't like who you are, or it's your right to take a life because it's convenient, but it will not be convenient when you face all of your sins and they aren't covered in the cleansing blood and then cast into fire.
I don't say this to seem condemning I know what it's like when people are condemning and condescending, and Christians have no place to condemn anyone and most who think they do will find that they never knew God and He never knew them. I say this out of love if You have not asked for forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior who took your place and paid your price then, in the end, your sins will not be cleansed by His Blood and justice will be done. By His blood, we walk in the newness of life and have hope beyond this world of pain, He is waiting and longing for your heart to be His, despite a past experience you may have had with a condemning Christian God is a God of love and forgiveness.
I am an Outcast, I am sent by God to defy societies traditions and to break the mold on me and my generation!
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